There is no righteousness in the world, but God, in His grace and mercy, sent Jesus to bring joy and salvation to all....
The gospel will triumph over prejudice and corruption....
Faitfully witness for Jesus until you see him, because seeing Him will be glorious....
Be careful that your religion doesn't make you stubborn toward Christ....
Be careful that your religion doesn't make you stubborn toward Christ....
Spread the news of the Lord's holy presence and his power to save....
Prepare to be a winsome radical in your witness for Christ...
Fill up and overflow with Christ and even your enemies will take notice....
Rejoice in the undesrved privilege of speaking and suffering for Christ....
Rejoice in the undeserved privilege of speaking and suffering for Christ....
Repent and follow Christ to receive the great gifts of salvation....
Repent because God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ....
Commit to spiritual perparation for Jesus' next step in reaching the world....
The resurrection of Jesus is the great anchor for hope....
Jesus reigns from heaven now and will soon reign on earth....
Believe and participate in God's unstoppable mission....