By giving to those in need, we emulate Jesus Christ in his sacrifice for us....
By giving to those in need, we emulate Jesus Christ in his sacrifice for us....
By giving generously to those in need, we emulate Jesus Christ in his sacrifice for us....
Christ lives through us, because we have been crucified with him....
The lamb, light, and crown. He is coming....
The ascended Christ is powerful and glorious beyond compare....
God, in his perfection, is Lord of our lives, and that is as it should be....
Jesus' return is the true hope in all our hopes and longings...
God uses his servants on earth to minister to other servants....
Our purpose on earth is to glorify God....
We should strive to know God's heart....
Our very lives should be in imitation of God....
Our sole purpose on earth is to glorify God....
We should rely only on Jesus Christ and follow him alone....
The word of God is all we need. The Bible is sufficient....
God only can restore your heart from sin....
The all powerful nature of God should inspire us to obey....
There is eternal reward for him who endures persecution. ...
Sins that destabilize relationships....
Hold fast to Christ when relationships suffer....
God wants to listen to us and help us, and he wants us to pray to him....
The call of salvation of Christ is for everyone....
God wants to have an intimate relationship with us, he wants us to love him solely....
The battle for spiritual vitality is constant, but Christ is merciful to help....
There is no love like God's. He manifests it through his plan for redemption. ...
We should strive constantly for holiness....
There should be no tolerance for false teaching....