Learn how to date or court for the Glory of Christ. Before you start dating, you should know who you are in Christ, the meaning of marriage, and the purpose of the relationship you intend to pursue. Ephesians 5:22-33...
Learn how to date or court for the Glory of Christ. Before you start dating, you should know who you are in Christ, the meaning of marriage, and the purpose of the relationship you intend to pursue. Ephesians 5:22-33...
When the fear of men haunts you, you need courage rooted in truth. The truth is, as a believer, you belong to Christ, he loves you, you will receive eternal life, he will protect and keep you, you will not be lost! And those he has chosen from eve...
Love and knowledge are equally important, you cannot have one without the other. Our love for one another and for God depends on our knowledge of Him, love without knowledge is powerless, but knowledge of Him that does not produce affection, desir...
The Reformation and the black hole from which it exploded. An abbreviated biography of Martin Luther: the monk who shook a kingdom. The radical commitments of the Reformers: the 5 Solas: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) ...
As we begin our study of Philippians, we will learn about unity in gospel partnership as a church.Sermon Notes Introduction Main idea: Live worthy of Christ by striving side by side for the for the faith of the gospel....
Being a part of the church is exciting, because it means we belong to God's family!...
Find answers to questions like: What is our natural condition? What does it mean to have a sin nature? How gracious is God? How can we have salvation? Is salvation by grace alone? What does it mean to be spiritually dead? What are trespasses and s...
Give thanks for faith in Christ and for the love of other believers and depend on the Spirit's ministry to cause you to understand your salvation and what it means for every aspect your life. Know the hope of God's calling, the riches of His inher...
We all desire a perfect world, because that's where we were originally designed to live. Adam and Eve lived in a perfect world, in perfect relationship with God, until the serpent twisted God's words to cast doubt on his goodness and they doubted ...
What is college ministry all about? Listen as Jerod explains the vision and then gives the different teams within college ministry a chance to share how they take part in that vision. The passion is to launch collegians into life as servant l...
Sermon Notes:Introduction:Luke 13:29 An...
Know Christ and Show Christ by seeking to love others in Word and Deed using the grace of God, spiritual gifts. We all have different spiritual gifts to make him known. Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:3-10, 1 Peter 4:10-11...
God is at work in the church and he uses individuals to accomplish His mission! How can you take part?...
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. ...
The greatest tragedy of sin is that God is not glorified as God....
The word of God should be within us....
We should look to Christ always to see God....
The end of the world system is good news for the believer, and can help drive us to fight worldliness in our own hearts now. How can you cultivate dependent contentment, prize the holiness and righteousness of Christ, and make daily sacrifices of ...
Seven reasons to stay awake and ready for the King's return. Learn what plagues and wrath believers will miss when the King returns to destroy Babylon. Painful sores, blood in the seas, blood in the rivers and springs, scorching sun, darkness, and...
"There is blood, sweat, and tears in our sanctification. It is work" - Ian Rush...