One day in the future God will return and rule in Jerusalem....
One day in the future God will return and rule in Jerusalem....
One day will come when we are united with Christ....
The connection between the end times and the great commission....
We have the most amazing person within us, so we should act like we do....
Jesus explains the end times to his disciples....
We should proclaim Christ to fulfill his eternal plan....
Jesus Christ is absolutely great, and it is awesome....
Christians are called to follow Christ in every aspect of their lives....
It's a serious offense to God to counterfeit saviors....
God the father grieves over the unrepentant sin of his children....
Our first love should be God, and all we do should be for his glory....
We must lay down our lives to enter the kingdom....
There is nothing man-made that can truly represent God....
Despite spiritual idolatry, God still recalls his own people....
The church is called to evangelize cultural Christians....
Willful ignorance is a trap to be avoided....
It is encouraging that Jesus Christ wants to use us for his purposes....
God deserves adoration and thanksgiving for redeeming us....
We should represent Christ to the world....