Due to technical difficulties a large portion of this sermon and Q&A was not recorded and the recording we do have is low quality. We have included a link below to Nathan's Manuscript so you can read the part of the sermon that was not record...
Due to technical difficulties a large portion of this sermon and Q&A was not recorded and the recording we do have is low quality. We have included a link below to Nathan's Manuscript so you can read the part of the sermon that was not record...
Become imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us and gave himself up for us an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. References to John 1:11, John 15, John 17-18....
As Christians God has put off our old sinful identity and given us a new identity in him, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness. We then as believers will be renewed in the spirit of our minds and live according to the new identi...
Being a part of the church is exciting, because it means we belong to God's family!...
Give thanks for faith in Christ and for the love of other believers and depend on the Spirit's ministry to cause you to understand your salvation and what it means for every aspect your life. Know the hope of God's calling, the riches of His inher...
Know Christ and Show Christ by seeking to love others in Word and Deed using the grace of God, spiritual gifts. We all have different spiritual gifts to make him known. Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:3-10, 1 Peter 4:10-11...
The word of God should be within us....
We should look to Christ always to see God....
Who is Jesus Christ? His miracles can tell us a lot about who He is....
When it seems all is lost, prayer is the answer. ...
We can be in the dark in many ways. It is no fun living in the dark. Jesus is the light....
Love Jesus Christ to find spiritual vitality and life....
Jesus, the heavenly king, is the perfect servant. ...
Pictured above is the core outreach team of students who regularly serve at Crosswalk. Pictured, left to right: Noah, Chris, Gage, Rylee, Aislin. Not pictured: Caleb Here is how Daniel Atha, who leads this outreach along with his wife Nic...
Our very lives should be in imitation of God....
God wants to have an intimate relationship with us, he wants us to love him solely....
The horror of separation from God is contrasted with the joy of closeness....
God will turn rebellious people over to their passions....
There is one who sits on the throne who rules over everything. Are you submitting?...
God's utter sovereignty gives us a reason to submit to our authorities and Christ....