The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. —Paul, the murderer of Christians. With extremely rare excep...
Although the abortion debate has been prevalent for years, it has heated up within the past few weeks due to the Dobbs decision handed down by the Supreme Court. While that decision did not outlaw abortion, handing it back to the states i...
The pandemic has caused us all to rely on technology to connect with others. Online groups, streaming, texting, video chats etc. became the new normal as we had to physically distance. Dan and Emily Kopp have led their growth group using t...
Those who have been called by God have been entrusted with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can take hope as we contend for the faith because we are loved by God, and will be guarded by him until the day of glory. Today, contending is as nece...
In the book of Jude we find a letter written to a small church, calling its members to contend for the faith. This ‘faith’ is the gospel ‘once for all delivered to the saints.’ Jude writes to warn of apostate false Christians who have made...
Big Idea: Christ has been, is, and will always be preeminent. Love it and flourish, or fight it and wither. How Christ has been preeminent How Christ will be preeminent ...