Have you ever wondered why the truths of God’s Word are so compelling to some people, while to others they couldn’t be more crazy? You could say the exact same thing to identical twins who have had the same upbringing, and one of them will joy...
Have you ever wondered why the truths of God’s Word are so compelling to some people, while to others they couldn’t be more crazy? You could say the exact same thing to identical twins who have had the same upbringing, and one of them will joy...
This section of Scripture shows us our natural state and that we desperately need new life in Christ, or regeneration. Out natural state is this: we are spiritually dead and unable to save ourselves, nor are we able to resist sin, the world, the D...
Main Idea: The Biblical Covenants between God and his people are the vehicles God uses to advance his kingdom and give us purpose and hope. 1. Biblical Covenants Defined 2. Summary of Biblical Covenants ...
Those who have been called by God have been entrusted with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can take hope as we contend for the faith because we are loved by God, and will be guarded by him until the day of glory. Today, contending is as nece...