A person who truly understands the blessing of God's salvation will exalt God, acknowledge their unworthiness, recognize their role, anticipate God's justice, and delight in God's promises. Sermon Notes Main Idea: Mary displays ...
In this introduction to our series in The Gospel of Luke, Nathan gives us an overview of the book and it's aim to give readers certainty that Jesus is the Savior of the Nations, with the goal of motivating them to be witnesses for Jesus. ...
Because of God is saving, hope-giving, trustworthy, loving, just, near, and eternal, we should cry out to Him in passionate prayer! Sermon Notes Main Point: Cry out to the Lord in passionate prayer because of the majesty of ...
Today we launch an 11-week series on Psalm 119 and I couldn’t be more thrilled. My own doctoral work is in the Psalms and Psalm 119 is one of my favorite chapters in all of the Bible. And I thought for the grand opening of our summer series on P...