Palm fronds rustled in the breeze. Dust swirled up from the dirt road as people flung down their coats to make a carpet. An air of expectancy hung around everyone as they strained to be the first to see their visitor. And then came the ho...
Have you ever had unexpected circumstances arise and wondered how you might pay for it? Maybe an illness, the loss of a job or an automotive repair. In the earliest years of Faith Bible Church the Elders set up the Care Fund to care for th...
For many people the Christmas holiday is the yearly scandalous disappointment. The reason for this is because, for many, the Christmas season is this sort of annual hoax that things will finally get better but never actually do. For millio...
Three realities about the Christian life with which you must come to grips if you want a life that brings glory to the Father Sermon Notes Proposition: Three realities about the Christian life with which you must...