I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit ...
Why does a gifted, passionate Biblical counselor get a cancer that causes him to need to step back for a season from his vital counseling ministry? Why does my best friend from childhood spend years raising support to go as a missionary only to ar...
It is rumored that during the Viet Nam war in the 60’s, soldiers were given this little piece of advice before being shipped out to the jungle: “Terminate with extreme prejudice.” And what that meant was: aggressive execution of the enemy....
The Apostles were said to have turned the world upside down with their message. Jesus gives instructions that are a vital part of continuing to spread the message and fulfill the mission of Christ and His Apostles. What is it Jesus points to that ...
I can’t escape that I have the personality of a coach. From my earliest grade school years to my mid-forties I was always involved in athletics. I am competitive. I enjoy the hard work of achieving a goal. I relish the little successes that lead...
We all have seasons of life where we spend a lot of time with some people. It might be a sports season where we sit in the bleachers with the same parents two nights a week. It might be an office where we sit back to back in cubicles. At the end o...
A church that follows Jesus Christ is the best place to experience loving relationships this side of heaven. That is because Jesus changes people through His own love for them. Jesus sets the best example of love. He gives us the greatest gift of ...
Before our children have regenerate hearts, from babyhood, we as parents have the privilege, the joy, the challenge of teaching them how to honor the Lord in all their words, thoughts and conduct. We teach them the disciplines, habits, and manners...